Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Using PowerTeacher to get Parent Email Addresses

Hello Everyone,
We have had a few visitors today in the tech corner asking how to email their advisory parents about our Holiday Basket drive.

Here is a link to a how to video -

Also if you are looking for an email message to send, this is the one the Jen and I sent to our advisory parents this morning (be sure to edit the email however you like).

Dear Families,
We hope you are enjoying the holiday season.  Mrs. Dennis and I have really enjoyed getting to know your child in advisory this year and are looking forward to the year ahead.  
We are emailing you this morning to let you know about a project our advisory is working on this holiday season.  Every year the Lurgio Student Council organizes a Holiday Food Drive.  Lurgio staff and students collect food and money donations to put together 36 holiday baskets for families in town.  Our advisory has been tasked with bringing in a total of 17 cans of cranberry sauce along with two to three dollars to contribute towards perishable items.  Our donations are due by Wednesday, December 18th.  We have advisory on Silver days but students can bring donations into school at any time.  Mrs. Dennis and I are located in the Tech Corner in the back of the Media Center. 

Thanks so much for your support and contributions.

All the best,
Mrs. Manley and Mrs. Dennis