Friday, January 4, 2019

Updated Information - Chrome Apps and Extensions Restrictions for Students

Over the recent vacation, we have made some changes to student’s school google accounts. Due to a law enacted by the NH Legislation (to view click HERE - section V), school districts are required to review and approve all online apps and extensions for student use to ensure they comply with State and Federal data privacy guidelines and laws. As a result, only approved apps/extensions that are needed for school use will be allowed to be installed with a school google account. Terry Bullard, District Tech Director has already approved over 160 tools, apps and extensions.

What does this mean moving forward?
  • Student can’t add an extension, app, theme unless it is already approved
  • If there is something you would like students to be able to do and it is not on the approved list, please notify Donna to determine if there is an alternative OR if needs to go through approval process.

  • Students can no longer ‘switch’ accounts while logged into to their school google account. In other words, when a student logs into their school google account on their chromebook, when it is time for them to do something in their personal google account, they have to log out of the school account to get to their personal account.
  • Incognito mode is disabled for students with their school google account.
  • We are still working to get a better handle blocking the various games the students are playing… if you have any that you feel need to be blocked, please feel free to send me the address.

We know that this is a change from current practice and appreciate your understanding and patience during this transition.